
0 Views 4 Votes

Running Python Script using Java with venv

I am trying to run a python script from inside Java, I cant use Jython since I'm using the module Pa......

Python Java Windows
0 Views 1 Votes

Make Code Arcade Arrays(?) Uncaught e.findIdx is not a function

I am working on a Microsoft Make Code Arcade Game in VS code using the Microsoft MakeCode Arcade Ext......

Javascript Windows Web
0 Views 2 Votes

How do I import a module from another project within the same Visual Studio solution?

I'm new to C++ modules. I have a project MyProject which includes a module definition Model.ixx: exp......

C++ Windows
0 Views 1 Votes

Convert a comma separated string of fields to a GraphQL query syntax

I have a requiremenet where I need to parse a user input comma separated string, and generate a grap......

Java Linux Web
0 Views 1 Votes

How to prevent long words from breaking my div?

Ever since switching from TABLE-layout to DIV-layout, one common problem remains: PROBLEM: you fill ......

0 Views 1 Votes

Using Redux Toolkit to manage heavy data

I'm building a React + Redux Toolkit web app that imports, modifies and exports a ZIP file. This zip......

Javascript ReactJS Web
0 Views 2 Votes

Why do some functions in the callback function in WFP fail to be called normally?

Well, actually the demand is not troublesome. I need to use the TOS coverage of all IP packets sent ......

C Linux
0 Views -1 Votes

The problem of FwpsCalloutRegister function registration failure in WPF driver

I'm doing network filter driven development using WPF. When I use the example and call FwpsCalloutRe......

Windows Web
0 Views 0 Votes

Intersect Sprites with Raycaster

I want to realize a 3D interactive globe with three.js and I wonder if there is a way to intersect o......

0 Views 1 Votes

Method that returns property VS property direct access in javascript

I have found that many javascript developers create methods that simply return a property like this ......

Javascript Mobile Web
0 Views 0 Votes

iOS - iframe is capturing scroll events even though it doesn't need to scroll

My page is composed of one iframe and some extra content that overflows the viewport When the user t......

HTML Mobile Linux




Software Test Engineer in Finance Industry for 5 years, competitive programmer in my spare time.

Join Date

12/2/2023 10:28:36 AM